Can Halal Crypto Restore Faith in Cryptocurrency?

In the token economy, digital democracy is driven by the sovereign individual — you and me! However, there is still a lot of cynicism around crypto. Even in a UK market where financial literacy is high, 74% say they need help understanding cryptocurrency. And even if they know, 46-52% say they don’t trust the technology.… Continue reading Can Halal Crypto Restore Faith in Cryptocurrency?

Prepare For Next Recession: Fiat, Crypto or Gold as Safe Haven?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the economy moves in cycles. And so, it is not a matter of if a recession will happen – but when. Instead of worrying about it, you can start preparing for the next recession. Diversifying your investments in different asset classes such as fiat currency, cryptocurrency, and gold… Continue reading Prepare For Next Recession: Fiat, Crypto or Gold as Safe Haven?

Wallet Address Poisoning Scam: How to Protect Your Halal Crypto on Sahal

If you’re one of those who habitually copy crypto wallet addresses from the transaction history page when sending halal crypto — beware! Scammers are taking advantage of user carelessness and tricking them into sending cryptocurrencies to a fraudulent wallet address. This recent scam that has been gaining traction is known as the crypto wallet address… Continue reading Wallet Address Poisoning Scam: How to Protect Your Halal Crypto on Sahal

Hot Wallet vs. Cold Wallet: Pros & Cons

The rising popularity of blockchains is evident in its ever-expanding user base. As of 2022 reports, there are more than 295 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. Given the wide range of NFTs and crypto tokens, organizing a profitable digital asset base can be challenging for many. This is where crypto wallets (hot or cold wallet) can… Continue reading Hot Wallet vs. Cold Wallet: Pros & Cons

Are Bitcoin and Crypto Good Hedge Against Inflation?

Inflation rates are on the rise globally. June 2022 wаѕ thе sixth соnѕесutіvе mоnth when thе headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) rеmаіnеd аt оr аbоvе thе upper tоlеrаnсе lеvеl оf 6%. In India, rеtаіl inflation ѕurgеd tо 7.79% in Aрrіl duе to rіѕіng fuеl and fооd prices, ассоrdіng to thе dаtа rеlеаѕеd bу thе ѕtаtіѕtісѕ… Continue reading Are Bitcoin and Crypto Good Hedge Against Inflation?

ESG Investment: Why Investors Should Own $MRHB

The exacerbation of the climate crisis has brought ESG investment to the fore. Investing in ESG is deemed as a way to financially support companies that help fight climate change, in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Recently, despite the market’s turbulence and declines, ESG investors have become interested in protocols and cryptocurrencies due… Continue reading ESG Investment: Why Investors Should Own $MRHB

What Are Stablecoins and Are They Considered Halal Crypto?

We know that stablecoins offer price stability, but can we call them Halal Crypto? This question is key to knowing whether stablecoins are safe for the faith-conscious investor. To understand the answer, we need to learn what exactly are stablecoins and what determines their ethical position. Can we leverage the risk-free nature of stablecoin tokens… Continue reading What Are Stablecoins and Are They Considered Halal Crypto?

Types of Crypto Tokens Explained and How to Get Halal Crypto

If you’re thinking: “There are so many cryptocurrencies—what do they actually do and are they halal?” Then this article is for you! We discuss the types of crypto tokens, how to not get confused with crypto coins, and how you can start investing in halal crypto right now. Crypto Tokens vs Coins A crypto token… Continue reading Types of Crypto Tokens Explained and How to Get Halal Crypto

Halal DeFi Explained: Is This The Future of Finance?

Decentralized finance (DeFi) on the blockchain has been known to allow anyone regardless of economic status to participate. However, the current DeFi ecosystem that we know today is mostly interest-based or not halal. This goes against the values of faith-based and ethically conscious communities. For many Muslims, Islamic finance within traditional banking is the only… Continue reading Halal DeFi Explained: Is This The Future of Finance?

What Is DeFi? Is There A Halal DeFi Solution?

Imagine a financial system where you don’t have to rely on expensive and fallible third parties to manage your money. You have complete control of all your assets and you can easily send them to anyone anywhere. Well, imagine no more; decentralized finance (DeFi) exists so you can fully take charge of your financial assets.… Continue reading What Is DeFi? Is There A Halal DeFi Solution?